
Our estate

Privileged place in Provence, between countryside and Mediterranean sea.

The estate is located between Vidauban and La Garde-Freinet, a charming village overlooking the Maures forest and the Gulf of Saint-Tropez

News and events

The History

The first records of polyculture and viticulture on the soils of the Domaine go back to the end of the XVIIIth century. In addition to the vineyard, one cultivated olive trees, apple trees, strawberry plants etc…

Based on the patronymic of a family from the surroundings of Vidauban, the place name "Les Fenouils" gave its name to the Domaine de Jale in 1999.  

The signature « Jale »

The work on our vineyards is executed with the greatest respect for our terroir and environment. The ’Agriculture Raisonnée’ approach allows us to adapt to the complexity of our soils. Our approach of winemaking is not captured in the framework Biological Agriculture but most of our farming practices are part of this scheme. 

The handling of the soil and the limitation of products in the vineyard and the wine cellar allow us to propose authentic wines characterized by the signature «Jale». This identity is characterized by a unique mineral texture thanks to its geographical situation and the inclusion of the specificity of the soil. 

The quality of the wines is the result of the well thought out work in the vineyard and the disciplined work during the vinifications. Our best reward remains the pleasure that our wines provide you. 


Who are we ?

Anne and Dimitri, the couple of winemakers ! 

We are driven by a humble and passionate approach to wine which united us about 15 years from now. Daughter of a winegrower, Anne took over the legacy from her father in 2017, well shouldered by her partner. 

Both are holder of diplomas in wine production and oenology. Anne et Dimitri proceed substantially following their own feel in order to capture the very essence of their terroir and to propose fine and delicate wines, in the designation of origin Côtes de Provence. 

Complementary to each other, the two winemakers combine their respective sensibilities : Dimitri runs particularly the work at the vineyard while Anne deals with the aspects of the management of the Domain and the winemaking process of the cuvées. When the couple meet, the subject is often... the vineyard!


The sales cellar

A most special place...

At the reception desk of the cellar, find, in addition to our wine range, local products from our partners : terrine, caillette, rillette, tapenade, honey, olive oil, lavender oil, etc. The cellar is open all year long, from 10 am to 1 pm and from 2pm to 7 pm. Closed on holidays and Sundays. 

Our wines are provided with tasting comments which allows you to match our different kinds of winemaking to your very own taste, all by yourself. 

Located next to the sales cellar, the wine cellar with oak barrels is an oasis of freshness during the summer and a meeting and sharing point in winter. There, the different cuvées of our red wines are aged, in medium ‘demi muid’ oak barrels allowing thus a slow oxygenation of the wine and soft tannins. 

Caveau de dégustation domaine de Jale

The Provence…in a glass !

Summer or winter, you can discover the wines of the domain, in the shadow of an impressive centuries old plane tree listening to the song of cicadas or in the tasting cellar. 

In summer, sitting in the shade at the table, you will have a magnificent view of the vineyard, the umbrella pine forest and the cork oaks, a spot called “Little Africa”. 

In winter, the ‘demi muid’ oak barrels of the wine aging cellar will immerse you in an authentic wine atmosphere.

Your winetastings can either be accompanied by local products with the savours and scents of Provence or completed by a cheese and charcuterie platter (on reservation) coming from our partner La Maison des Bons Fromages in Le Cannet des Maures. 


Opening hours

Open 6/7

From Monday till Saturday 
10h-13h | 14h-19h (18h les samedis et en hiver)

On reservation on Sundays and holidays

Contact us

Current events

Discover all the news of Domaine de Jale: events, novelty, craftsmanship…if you want to learn more about the life of our vineyard, this is the path to follow !


Apéro’Jale 5 juillet 2024 – Soirée Blind test Musical Live !

by domjaleyahoo-fr,

Vous êtes joueuse, joueur ? Vous aimez la musique ? Vous aimez le bon vin ? Cette soirée est faite pour vous ! Le groupe Ginger Brown vous propose une soirée inédite autour d’un Blind test Live avec de vrais musiciens ! Le concept est simple, ils jouent des extraits…

Apéro’Jale 23 août 2024 – “Soirée Blanche”

by domjaleyahoo-fr,

Elégance et Gourmandise, Coquillages et Crustacés, bienvenu au Domaine de Jale pour notre Apéro’Jale spécial « Soirée Blanche ». L'ambiance musicale sera assurée en live par le groupe « Ginger Brown », autour de compositions et de reprises des plus grands tubes de la pop music ! Pour vos…

Incendie au Domaine de Jale à Vidauban juin 2024 : remerciements

by domjaleyahoo-fr,

Nous remercions les pompiers, militaires, gendarmes et toutes les personnes qui sont intervenus au Domaine de Jale, lors de l’incendie du 11 juin : Sdis83 - Pompiers du Var et des départements de l’Ardèche, de la Drôme, du Gard, des Bouches du Rhône, du Vaucluse, des…

Apéro’Jale 22 juin 2024 – Soirée Musique Live

by domjaleyahoo-fr,

COMPLET 🌳Fêtez l’été à l’ombre de notre beau platane, en dégustant un délicieux verre de vin et laissez vous emporter par la musique du groupe Thony & Co ! Le groupe Thony & Co écume les scènes Pop-Rock du var depuis plusieurs années. Des reprises…

Our wines

Vin rouge

Les Fenouils Rouge

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Vin rouge

La Bouïsse

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Vin rosé

Les Fenouils Rosé

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Vin rosé

La Moure

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Vin blanc

Les Fenouils Blanc

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Vin blanc

La Lone

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Rosé wine

DJ Rosé

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